Improving your health isn't something you can do overnight or with a few changes in your life you can't sustain. You must be committed to a complete lifestyle change supporting your lifestyle and your body. Whether you want to lose weight, get fitter or be more healthy, quick fixes won't benefit you in the long term. Instead, focus on making the right choices for you. This journey is about more ... Read the Post
3 Ways To Implement Healthy Habits that Stick
Healthy Habits to Start with Your Children- The Summer Edition
It takes between two months to a year to get used to a new habit or routine. That’s a long time, and it also doesn’t take into account hiccups in consistency like you’ll get when you try to get your kids used to a new habit. That’s why it’s actually really important to start many summertime habits right now. This way, they will be practiced and natural come spring and summer. Not only that, but ... Read the Post
3 Ways To Teach Kids Healthy Habits
Habits are formed in our early years, and these elements can go forward with us later on in life. Both good and bad habits are often created, and it’s essential to get that balance right when you’re bringing up your family. For the most part, as adults, we know which choices will have the best outcomes, and failing gives us grounds to learn what works and doesn’t. However, kids, of course, are ... Read the Post