Nordic Naturals Introduces Two New Gummies for Kids: Probiotic Gummies KIDS and Vitamin D3 Gummies KIDS Nordic Naturals is pleased to announce two new additions to their innovative line of children’s products: Probiotic Gummies KIDS and Vitamin D3 Gummies KIDS. The two formulas provide parents with a safe, fun, and effective way to provide their children with nutrients essential to ... Read the Post
Yummy Gummies Galore from Nordic Naturals
Culturelle Probiotic Review
Did you know that our bodies NEED bacteria in order to be healthy? Our bodies depend on bacteria for a healthy immune and digestive system. It is crucial for our bodies to have the proper balance of both good and bad bacteria. If you are under stress or if you have been taking antibiotics, this may cause a disturbance in this balance. When the natural balance of good and bad bacteria in ... Read the Post