Transitioning from being at home with a parent to going to school is not an easy one, but it's an important milestone for any child. If you have never sent your child to school in any capacity before, whether it's nursery or childminder or a preschool, then it's also going to be a big milestone for you as a parent. The transition can cause several mixed feelings because another adult will take on ... Read the Post
Getting Your Child Ready to Start School
5 Simple Ideas To Support Your Child Starting School
A child starting school is an anxious time for any parent, and the child. In fact, it can be easy to overlook how nervous a child can be. But it’s normal. Everything they know, particularly their standard routine, is about to change. In most cases, children have little control over any of this. It’s easy to see why they would be nervous, but you can help make it easier for them. Enroll Them ... Read the Post