Sexy Bralettes for Nursing Moms!
Being a mommy is such an incredible experience. It’s also incredible to me how my body was able to grow our sweet little one, give birth and be able to feed her and help her continue to grow outside her womb. It’s a beautiful, sometimes scary and insanely personal process and we’re never really the same afterwards.
Physically, our bodies are more beautiful after birth. After all, the stretch marks, extra skin and unfading linea nigra line are all proof that we were able to create this gorgeous little human. But sometimes, it doesn’t always feel like it as our ‘before’ pictures can sometimes be more of our bikini body ideal and our ‘after’ can make us forget how incredible we are for what we’ve went through.
When it comes to looking the mirror post baby, we’re often harder on ourselves than we should be. It doesn’t help that our clothing options after baby aren’t very flattering and can make you feel anything but sexy, especially when it comes to the most vital item – your new nursing bra.
This absolutely does NOT have to be the case any more, however, because Oh La Lari’s nursing bralettes not only hear the need for comfortable, functional bralettes – they also have created a gorgeous, sexy bralette for new moms and mom’s to be!
I had to try one of these bras for myself and was so happy I did. They got it right, down to the packaging. These super soft, versatile, beautifully lacy bralettes instantly made me feel less like a milk machine and more like a sexy wife. At a time when body confidence can be at an all time low, it’s important to still take care of yourself and make yourself feel stronger as a woman.
This nursing bra makes looking in a mirror more flattering and helps show off one of the best post-baby body gifts besides baby (those awesome boobs)!! It’s also important to keep up your relationship and intimacy with your partner which can be the last thing on your mind when you’ve been running around changing blowouts and putting another load of ‘spit up’ clothes in the wash. It’s nice to have a company with products that understands the struggle and a bra that reminds you to take some time for yourself and your partner.
Oh La Lari was created by a mom herself whose goal is to promote self love and help women stay in touch with their pre-baby life, encouraging us to feel sexy and providing bras that are easy to nurse in and easy to love. This would be an awesome bralette to buy in pregnancy, too to make you feel a little more womanly when you can no longer see your toes! Be sure to add it to your registry, which is easy to do since they’re partnered with, or buy one or two for your friend’s baby shower! They will definitely be thanking you!!
To learn more and to view additional Oh La Lari bras, go to:
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