It’s a natural need as a parent to want to encourage your child’s development as much as possible. For new parents, this can be a subject of worry, especially if you feel as though your child hasn’t yet achieved what most children have at the same age. It’s important to understand your child’s personal circumstances and support their development at their own pace, as well as to recognize areas they are excelling in, to make sure valuable skills don’t go ignored. Here are 4 ways to do just that.
1. Provide Lots of Stimulation
You should always surround your child every step of the way with stimulation. This could be in the form of:
- Engaging toys
- Colorful surroundings
- Interesting smells
- Stimulating items to touch, such as fabrics
- Music or interesting noises
Stimulation can also be gained from taking your child outdoors and introducing them to new environments. Spending time alongside other people, and particularly children, can assist in your child’s better development. Through these different experiences, you can learn what your child enjoys the most, and the sort of stimulation they react best to, and therefore encourage more of the same.
2. Find Child Tutoring Services
To get the best for your child in terms of their education, you can consider child tutoring services based alongside their mainstream school education, like Pre Uni College. This means your child’s learning and development skills are optimized and personalized for their own educational journey. Extra tuition can assist your child in many ways, whether they are over-achieving at school and require an outlet for their extra abilities, or whether they need to catch up with their learning due to absence from school. These tutoring services will ensure that your child doesn’t miss out.
3. Encourage More Conversation
Even in the very early days, when your child hasn’t yet developed their language skills, it’s important to still talk to them all the time, even when they cannot talk back. Your baby will be picking up your speech patterns and your words, even if they cannot reciprocate. Get into the habit of talking to your baby about absolutely everything throughout the day and positively respond if they do make a noise. When your child’s speech skills do begin to form, it’s important to hone and engage these skills and try some different interactions, such as reading together and forming different sounds and words.
4. Be Interactive and Play with Your Child More
You shouldn’t just leave your child alone to play with toys, even if supplying toys and stimulation is important for their development. Play will be better if you do it with your child, somewhere where they can play by interacting with you and witnessing your human movements, sounds and behaviors. Playing together should focus on ideas that your baby or child couldn’t learn by playing by themselves, such as another object moving by itself (i.e., you) and facial movements and expressions; the likes of which, your child wouldn’t be able to get from a stationary toy or doll.
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