Motherhood is a challenging, beautiful, and life-changing experience. As new mothers learn to parent their babies, a few common breastfeeding mistakes can keep babies from getting the nutritional benefits of breast milk.
Breastfeeding is seen by many as a natural way to provide nutrition to your child, but it requires a lot of commitment from new moms. To be successful, you’ll need to know how to care for your body and protect your baby.
Read this guide for tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes with breastfeeding for new moms.
1. Dehydration
One of the most common breastfeeding mistakes is not staying hydrated. Dehydration can lead to a decrease in milk supply, so drinking plenty of fluids is essential. If breastfeeding, aim for 8-10 glasses of water per day. You can also try herbal teas, like lavender or chamomile, which can help with relaxation and stress relief.
2. Not Consuming Enough Calories
Not taking the right calories can lead to fatigue, low milk supply, and even weight gain. Eating a balanced diet and snacks throughout the day is essential to strengthen your daily breastfeeding schedule. If you struggle to consume enough calories, talk to a Registered Dietitian or your healthcare provider.
3. Latching Difficulties
New moms may make a common breastfeeding mistake by not paying attention to the latch. The latch is the way the baby latches onto the breast to breastfeed. If the latch is incorrect, it can cause pain for the mother and make it difficult for the baby to get the necessary milk.
To avoid this, take a breastfeeding class to find your child’s proper latching. Also, set a breast pumping routine regularly to lessen pain from breastfeeding.
4. Not Paying Attention to the Baby’s Cues
One of the new moms’ most common breastfeeding mistakes is not paying attention to their baby’s cues. It’s important to remember that every baby is different and that there is no single way of positioning babies for feeding.
Some babies want to nurse more frequently than others, and some eat for shorter periods. Paying attention to your baby’s cues will help you determine their needs.
5. Wearing the Wrong Type of Bra
A new mom’s most common breastfeeding mistake is wearing the wrong bra. It is essential to wear a nursing bra that offers good support and is comfortable.
Many women wear a regular bra when breastfeeding, which can lead to discomfort and even pain. In addition, wearing the wrong type of bra can also make it more difficult to latch on and may even cause your baby to fuss or cry. If you are unsure what bra to wear, ask a lactation consultant or your doctor for guidance.
6. Ignoring Signs of Mastitis
Mastitis is a common breastfeeding complication that can occur when the breast is not emptied sufficiently. This can lead to engorgement, blocked ducts, and an infection. If you suspect you have mastitis, it is vital to seek medical treatment immediately, as the condition can quickly become severe. A breast pumping routine or hand expressing milk from the affected breast can also help to relieve symptoms and promote healing.
Give Proper Postnatal Care by Avoiding these Mistakes with Breastfeeding
New mothers should avoid mistakes with breastfeeding to ensure their baby gets adequate food and nutrition. Also, good breastfeeding can help prevent common problems such as colic and gas. By learning proper breastfeeding techniques, new mothers can give their babies the best possible start in life.
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