Today started out hot, about 85 degrees. My little one awoke with a cold. He seemed to have had a fever during the night (I know because he sleeps with me (he has slept in between my husband and I his entire little life.) Braxton likes to go outside first thing after we take the older kids to school, and he likes to RUN.He seemed to be acting alright, but he had some powerful volcanic sneezes! ... Read the Post
Stormy Day here in Estacada, Oregon
Church is Good for the Soul!
I got ready today and went to church. I had planned on the entire family coming with me, but alas, I secretly enjoyed actually getting there on time and being able to not have to chase my little guy the entire time up and down the hallways. My two girls came with me and they are very well behaved. (Well, only in church, not at home. They are quite snotty at home.)I took a nap with my toddler ... Read the Post
My Little Boy is Bonding with Daddy Today!
I am utterly shocked that I have a moment or two to myself today to actually be able to type up a few words on my Mommy Blog. Oh, boy, did I need a mental break from my much cherished, but busy little one. He awoke this morning at 7:30 am, but that is okay, because he went to bed the night before at 6pm. I have been able to do some laundry today, too, which is nice, because whenever I try to do ... Read the Post
Back from Camping!
I'd Love to be able to say that I had a 'good time after all' camping, but sadly, no, I did not. I do not think I will ever enjoy being swarmed by bugs (I guess they were gnats so at least they didn't bite), but they were so very thick I couldn't breath. I think my lungs need to be scraped out because they are probably coated in thick blackish green varmints. I did sustain a bright red mosquito ... Read the Post
Today is a beautiful day, my boy is taking his afternoon nap, and all should be blissful. But alas, somehow I'm not very happy. You see, we are going , leaving this afternoon on our yearly Memorial Day weekend camping trip. To put it mildly, I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go! No offense to my husband who dearly loves these trips, but I am a woman whose ... Read the Post
Me and Kim, my sister and fellow ‘Mommy Blogger’
My sister, Kim came over Sunday and we had a very good time together. It was a beautiful evening and our kids had quite a lot of fun playing together outside. She has a three year old boy and a one year old girl.Nobody gets me laughing harder than Kim. We certainly do some goofy things when we are crazy that it I wouldn't even know where to begin. Let's just say we get some ... Read the Post