We are heavily dependent on modern technology for almost everything. Seemingly quick and easy solution, high tech equipment has its downsides. First of all, it wastes natural resources (even in situations where it doesn’t have to). It can also lead to increased pollution.
Truth of the matter is we can do a lot with naturally made items. This is the precise reason why DIY is so popular nowadays. Not only does it save money, but it also helps us avoid all the issues of modern technology.
If you wish to live naturally, without relying too much on tech, these are solutions you have to consider.
1. Rainwater Barrels
Rainwater barrels were around for centuries. They aren’t anything revolutionary and that is their main charm.
As the time went by, we became spoiled and started relying solely on water provided by a local water distributor. This is really wasteful and expensive. Even if you do not wish to use rainwater for drinking or washing yourself, there are many things which can be done in your backyard if you have a barrel of free rainwater.
Like with everything else, people expanded on this idea and nowadays you can even find rainwater tanks that work submersible tank pumps. But getting a tank and water pumps can be expensive in itself. A cheaper yet great solution would be to buy pump from ForPumps.
2. Creating Organic Compost
Most families have different plants in their backyard. Whether we are talking about flowers or vegetables, they need constant care.
Now, big companies would like you to buy chemical products and use them as fertilizers. But what if you can create that same fertilizer without paying any money?
You can create an area for disposing your organic trash. This trash should be exposed to the elements which will quicken its process of decomposition. In the end, you will have free fertilizer that only costs you some space in your backyard.
3. Windmill
Windmill works perfectly in conjunction with barrels. It provides the necessary energy for manual labor performed around the house.
Have in mind that windmills are really modern nowadays. They can be used for generating electricity for your whole home. Although this is undeniably a great solution, you can also accomplish a lot with simple old wooden windmill.
4. Vegetable garden
If you have a big family, you should definitely consider planting fruit and vegetable garden.
Food prices are constantly increasing, and we don’t even have any idea what we’re eating. There is a lot of organic food, but it costs a lot. So, why don’t you go for simpler solution and just make food yourself?
Vegetable gardens are becoming increasingly popular in western world. This is partially due to slow economic decline many countries are experiencing. Having in mind that a lot of people lost their jobs in last 10 years and weren’t fully able to recover, this method provides a valid solution that allows homeowners to take care of their family.
5. Use Old Wood
This is not so much of an idea as a notion that should lead you through life.
Like most other materials, wood can be recycled. In worst case scenario all you’ll have to do is reshape it for the next object. Anyway, it definitely beats getting new planks and generally speaking, wooden material.
So, the next time you decide to tear down an object in your backyard, make sure to save that wood, place it in a shed or some other impregnable room and leave it for later use.
A lot can be accomplished by simply recycling and turning to nature. There is no need for you to waste money when there are perfect natural solutions to be used.
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