Here it is September already, and many of us are still being bombarded with ticks and fleas. They’re not just a nuisance – they’re serious pains.
It’s STILL the season for fleas and ticks which thrive and hide in bushes and brush. Ticks take advantage of potential hosts that walk by their hiding places. While these pests are so small they don’t attract much attention, they’re ready and willing to latch onto animals like deer, mice, cats, dogs and even people.
Fleas aren’t just unpleasant; they can be downright dangerous. Fleas are parasites that live on the exterior of the host. If left untreated, fleas can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in pets and even lead to anemia. They can also be a trigger for human allergies. The best way to avoid flea and tick infestations is through prevention by treating both pets and the home regularly.
Many pet parents purchase a flea and tick collar and call it a day, but that’s not the only way to repel them. Sprays are also available like a plant-powered flea and tick spray that allows pets to be outdoors without the bother of fleas and ticks. Pets should be checked regularly for signs of fleas and ticks. Once a home has fleas it can take months to get rid of them due to the flea’s long lifecycle according to the Centers for Disease Control. For the whole family, stay protected from ticks with a lab proven Insect Repellent
Mosquitoes suck.
Mosquitos are a pest you don’t want to mess with. With 3,500 species of these flies, they’re a growing concern. Just listen to the news. And it’s not only for humans—mosquitos are equal-opportunity offenders. They bite dogs and cats too, which can leave swelling, redness and hives. Prevent mosquitos with outdoor pest control like Mosquito yard spray which can be applied before spending time outside, before a big party or event.
To avoid mosquitoes, homeowners can remove sources of standing water in the yard– eliminating areas where they lay eggs. Even a small amount of stagnant water can serve as a breeding ground. This includes changing water in birdbaths, getting rid of debris that can collect rainwater and even cleaning gutters. Planting certain herbs also keeps these bugs away like: Citronella, lemongrass, rosemary, catnip, bee balm, ageratum, peppermint and basil.
Ants, roaches and other uninvited guests.
One of the best parts of spring and summer is opening the windows and hosting picnics and BBQs. But these events can be hindered when ants and cockroaches show up uninvited. These bugs love to get into places with food and moisture and they’re not exactly the cleanest of guests.
Cockroaches are attracted to cracks or crevices, small spaces in the home. They gather where there is moisture buildup in basements, attics, kitchens and bathrooms, especially under sinks, in drains and under appliances. While ants love to inhabit areas with any kind of food source especially sugar.
Keep these pests away by checking and fixing any potential water leaks in the home. Cover trash bins, open container food items – and clean up any sugary spills quickly. In addition, using yard sprays will kill and repel ants and roaches so it’s a good idea to use as directed, with two initial sprays a few days apart when you start using it, then a monthly application to keep things under control. The yard sprays are safe for the beneficial bugs too, like bees and butterflies.
Indoor Ant & Roach spray for the home and kitchen. It’s an aerosol spray that’s powered by carbon dioxide and safe around the whole family when used as directed. Use along baseboards, around windows and doors, in kitchens, in pantries, under beds, around sinks, under sinks and anywhere needed to kill and repel ants, roaches, and many more bugs including:
● Earwigs
● Leaf-footed bugs
● Stink bugs
● Centipedes
● Sow bugs
Shoo fly to the fruit fly.
Fruit flies are devious. They can ride into a home on a simple piece of fruit or squeeze through windows that are seemingly weather-tight – and once in, they seem nearly impossible to get rid of. In fact, a single fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs in a week! They multiply fast which can quickly overwhelm a household. These flies are annoying and can cause all sorts of issues. So, even if you could ignore them, you shouldn’t.
According to Pest Week fruit flies are attracted to anything that is decomposing in a moist and warm environment, like decaying fruit. This includes open beer and soda cans that are left out. This explains their constant presence in the kitchen, bathroom and garbage containers. Cleaning up these areas and disposing of ripe fruit from counters or open trash compartments helps this problem.
DIY fruit fly traps include a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water. Another option is to purchase a Fruit Fly Trap. Place traps near the source of the annoying fliers, and let the power of nature take care of nature. Another good thing: The self-contained trap with the perforated top keeps little paws and fingers out.
Murder hornets. What?
Wasps, hornets, yellow jackets and murder hornets are the ultimate party crashers with stings that hurt. Murder hornets are the world’s largest hornet, with a body length of up to two inches and a wingspan of over three inches. The nickname “murder hornet” comes from their aggressive behavior towards honeybees and their ability to decimate entire colonies in just a few hours.
Murder hornets pose a threat to America’s honeybee population, which is already struggling due to factors such as habitat loss, disease and conventional pesticide exposure. Honeybees are crucial for pollinating many of the fruits, vegetables, and nuts that make up a large portion of our diet. Without honeybees, our food system could be severely impacted. Thank goodness the residue from Wondercide’s yard sprays is safe for the pollinators.
In addition to the threat to honeybees, murder hornets also pose a danger to humans. While their sting is not typically fatal to humans, it can be extremely painful and potentially life-threatening to those who are allergic. Some people have described the sting as feeling like “hot metal driving into their skin.” Major ouch.
Planting certain herbs like basil, mint, thyme, wormwood, spearmint, lemongrass and marigold, deter wasps and hornets. To deal with wasps and hornets, yellow jackets, and open-faced hives, consider a spray like Wasp & Hornet Spray for porch & patio or to bee-free of the aggressive stingers!
Solutions to your woes.
What if you thought you were protecting the ones you love, when you were accidentally causing harm? That’s the beginning of Stephanie Boone’s discovery, when her vet suspected her dog, Luna, had pesticide poisoning from commonly-recommended flea-and-tick medication and quarterly pest control services. The devastating side effects included chronic skin issues, liver and kidney failure, and seizures. Stephanie’s mission of innovating plant-powered pest protection came to fruition, and Wondercide was born.
Stephanie and the Wondercide team don’t want anything bugging you or your pets. With a mixture of fierce love and proven, scientifically-effective formulas, woes can officially bug-off.
Learn more about the woes we go through with ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests by reading this fact-filled article on The WonderSide®, Wondercide’s lifestyle emagazine.
My thoughts: I was given the opportunity to try out a variety of Wondercide’s best- selling pest control products. I was excited to be given this chance, because this summer has been especially challenging with fleas! I have three adult cats, (two of whom live outside and one who is mainly indoors….and he brought in fleas) I thought I was going to go insane, because I kept seeing fleas land on me- and worst of all- I found one IN MY BED!!!!
Two of the cats are strays that adopted me. One of the strays gave birth to a litter of kittens in my garage, and both the kittens and my garage were infested with fleas almost immediately.
Since Wondercide’s flea and tick shampoo was designed for cats of all ages, I was able to wash each kitten at around two weeks of age. It was such a gentle shampoo that I didn’t need to worry about it harming the kittens. It killed the fleas immediately!
I placed Wondercide’s Flea and Tick collar on each adult cat, and sprayed around the garage and my home with the Flea and Tick Spray (in Peppermint, which smells so fresh) and within about 1-2 days, my flea problem was gone. This was especially important to me due to the fact that my grandchildren often visit and they love cuddling the kittens. Wondercide products helped me get rid of the fleas without compromising my grandchildren’s health. No dangerous pesticides- and NO MORE FLEAS!
I also love Wondercide’s Insect Repellant. We went on a family camping trip last weekend and there were mosquitos everywhere. I was so thankful to have my all-natural plant-powered bug spray that allowed us to enjoy our time. This miracle insect-repellent kills, repels, and prevents ticks and mosquitoes. The bugs stayed off of us! It’s safe for the whole family, with it’s fresh scents that come from natural essential oils. No artificial color or fragrance, perfectly safe for kids.
For additional information, or to place an order, visit:
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