Today started out hot, about 85 degrees. My little one awoke with a cold. He seemed to have had a fever during the night (I know because he sleeps with me (he has slept in between my husband and I his entire little life.) Braxton likes to go outside first thing after we take the older kids to school, and he likes to RUN.
He seemed to be acting alright, but he had some powerful volcanic sneezes! They were not allergies. The green snot confirmed that.
Braxton has always been very healthy, because he STILL breastfeeds. I think his current cold bug will be short lived due to his great immune system. (knock on wood.)
Braxton and I petted the horses and gave water to the goats, duck, baby chicks, dog and cat. Braxton played in the water, too.
At about 2:30 there was a thunder and lightening storm. Braxton was very scared of the loud thunder. He had never heard it before and he did not like it one bit. He was reluctant to go get into the car when it was time to go retrieve his sister from school, but alas, he fell asleep in his carseat.
We drove to the nearest craft store (about 20 miles away) so my girls could get supplies for their final school projects. Instead of spending under 20.00, we spent about 70.00. I couldn’t believe how everything added up, but that is how it goes:)
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