Dogs are a great addition to the family. Not only do they provide that extra added love, fun, and care, but they also teach your kids amazing life lessons and are friends for life. A family dog can be an excellent way to teach your kids key things like responsibility, empathy, communication, and so much more. You do have to be careful, however – though there will always be benefits to getting a ... Read the Post
Six Amazing Benefits of Getting a Family Dog
3 Services That You Didn’t Know Your Vet Offered
You trust your veterinarian with your pet’s life – literally. From emergency visits when your dog found your supply of baking chocolate to those annual checkups that help you to know that your cat is in perfect health, you have probably become accustomed to visiting your vet on a regular basis. That being said, there a few services that you might have never thought to inquire with your vet ... Read the Post