According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there were 689,308 divorces in 2021, which is approximately 2.5 divorces per 1,000 people. The tough reality for many marriages throughout the world is their impermanence. When a couple decides to pursue a divorce, emotional and mental strain is placed not only on the partners involved, but also their children (if they have any). The ... Read the Post
How to Support Your Children After a Divorce
How to Get the Most of a Personal Injury Claim
When someone’s negligent actions cause you injuries, it is within your right to seek reimbursement for the losses you incurred from the injuries. Compensation aims to cater for any lost wages, medical bills and other things you would need to make a complete recovery. You are entitled to a reasonable reimbursement. But that does not necessarily mean that insurance companies will be more than ... Read the Post
Protecting Your Children Through a Tricky Divorce
For the vast majority of mothers, getting a divorce can feel like a decision that pits your own stability and mental health against that of your children. Of course, this is a false dichotomy: often, children living with warring parents are glad to see them separate. But in the moment, when you’re considering pulling the plug on your relationship with your partner, your children are indeed an ... Read the Post
Helping Your Children Deal with Change
You are raising children in a world that is constantly developing. For this reason, there is nothing you can do to shield your kids from change, as it will impact them sooner rather than later in their young lives. There are, however, ways to protect them during such a tumultuous time and there are things you can do to help them deal with it. This is especially important if you are planning for ... Read the Post
Finding the Best Legal Representation Doesn’t Have to be Hard!
Life is unpredictable! You never know when you are going to need legal representation. Most often, you will need to learn that lesson the hard way, like I have when I found myself sued for slander about 8 years ago. (But that is an entire novel-worthy story of its own that I will not elaborate on at this time!) And the time my cousin slipped on water at her local restaurant and sustained a ... Read the Post