Gaiam is an awesome online store where you can find adorable fashions that are made of organic and natural materials.
After all, shouldn't evrything we put ON our body be as important as what we put into it? I think that goes with clothing, too. It is kind of scary to think about the chemicals that may be in the clothing we purchase.
I was looking through their website with my fashionista teenage daughter. After lots of 'Ooooh I love that!' 'Awwwwww that's cute!' She selected a beautiful fushia silky scarf to go with a dress that she has, as well as the cutest green fitted sports jacket (as she is pictured in below.)
About Gaiam Clothing: (From their website)
Gaiam’s fashionable new eco wardrobe
is crafted from today’s most inventive
and earth-friendly fabrics, including pure
organic cotton, sustainable bamboo,
natural wool and recycled polyester.
Look for more adorable Gaiam fashions here
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