There’s a lot you can do as a parent to encourage your child. If you want them to join a sports club, making it easier to get there and being present for all their big games is essential. Similarly, if you’d like them to pick up a hobby, walking them through the beginner stages and providing plenty of praise works best.
But what about when they’ve achieved something and they bring home a result, whether it’s great or not? What do you do then to help them celebrate how far they’ve come and all the hard work they’ve put in? Here are some great ways to show them just how well they’ve done.
Bake Their Favorite Treat
Food normally shouldn’t be used as a reward, as this can encourage kids to separate foods into categories like ‘good and bad’ or ‘exciting and boring’. But if you ask them what they want to do to celebrate, and they ask for their favorite food or a special food for dinner, go ahead and make it for them!
Homemade pizza will always be popular, as will cake or cookies. These are easy foods that don’t take too long to prepare, and they’re simple enough that kids of all ages can get involved in making them – it’s a win-win!
Create a Mood Board or a Scrapbook Page
If your kid brings home a great grade on a test they were really worried about, or they just achieved the next belt color in a martial art they practice, bringing out arts and crafts materials is a fun way to revel in the achievement with them.
Make sure you stock up on tissue paper, paint, craft glue, slime, and whatever other artsy things your child likes to make with. While you’re here, why not think about ordering custom stickers with their name, favorite color, or favorite character on? These can be a reward in themself, but if you’re making an art piece to celebrate something amazing, stickers like these make the project extra special.
Hang the Certificate Somewhere Prominent
If they bring home a piece of card with their name and a congratulations on it, why not put it up somewhere everyone can see it? The most obvious place for this is the fridge, but you can also buy a little frame and hang the piece on the wall in the living room too.
Of course, your walls could fill up if your child is bringing home a certificate every other week, so apply a small policy here. Say they got an A on a spelling test: their good work goes up for a week and then is taken down and stored somewhere safe. Or you can move the certificate to their room, depending on how proud they are of what they did – go ahead and ask!
Kids can accomplish a lot when we believe in them. When they do, have a fun celebration in your own way on the other side.
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