Your sleep is vital to your overall health and wellness. People who sleep better have longer, healthier lives because sleep improves cognitive function, cardiovascular health, and overall performance whether you’re working out or on the job. Feeling stressed about things you wouldn’t normally bat an eye about can mean that you’re not getting enough sleep or taking the time to relax.
Not getting enough quality sleep can have serious consequences on your health. Luckily for you, improving your sleep environment can help you get the quality sleep that you both need and deserve. Here’s how you can improve your sleep environment and sleep better.
Clean Your Bedroom
A messy bedroom can cause anxiety, reminding you of all of the things you have to do before allowing yourself some shuteye. Make cleaning your bedroom a priority so that you won’t be reminded about your chores the following day before bed. Make sure to dust as well so that you can improve your breathing and sleep better.
You may also want to check your window sills for moisture as mold growth can have a negative impact on your sleep, causing poor air quality, headaches, and allergy symptoms. Not to mention, it can wreak havoc on your overall health.
Upgrade Your Blankets
Perhaps one of the most important factors to improve your sleep environment is your blanket or bedding. Your bedding should promote sleep, which means it should be comfortable to you to allow for great sleep. If you’re feeling too warm at night, but the house feels cool when you get out of bed, your comforter or blanket might be too warm. Similarly, you may need blankets that offer you a different weight. A heavy blanket can help you feel more cozy and snug.
Reconsider Temperature
Sleeping in a room that’s too hot or too cold can be difficult. Without the right temperature, you won’t be able to relax well enough to fall asleep and stay asleep. Cool temperatures allow the body to relax better, promoting sleep.
You can set your thermostat to a lower temperature at night to help you sleep better or keep your house at an optimal room temperature of between 65 degrees and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. This will keep your body cool but not cold while preventing overheating, which can wake you up from deep sleep.
If it’s summertime and no matter what you set the thermostat to, it’s still too warm, you can get a cooling fan that will help you relax and stay cool even in the warmest climates.
Make Your Room Darker
Our brains are wired to be awake when the sun is out and asleep when it’s dark, which is why many of us can’t sleep with any form of light in the room. While you may turn your bedroom lights off at night, it’s possible that you’re still getting light from other rooms of the house or any street lights outside of your window.
When it’s dark, your body releases melatonin, a sleep-regulating hormone that allows you to sleep deeper for longer, so it’s important to keep your room dark when it’s time for bed. If your blinds aren’t cutting it and it’s still too bright in your bedroom when it’s time to hunker down for the night, consider getting new shades that are designed to block out the sun and any other forms of light from the outside.
Consider setting a time for you to turn off the television and no longer use electronics so that you inform your brain that it’s time to sleep.
Decrease Sound
Another important factor to consider when trying to improve your sleep environment is sound. Sound can keep us up at night because it’s distracting. Random noises and the sound of cars passing by your street can keep your mind active when it should be at rest.
To fall asleep and stay asleep, your bedroom should be as quiet as possible with few interruptions. It can be difficult to dampen noise when you live in an apartment complex or on a busy street, so you may have to consider purchasing a sound machine that can produce white noise to help your mind relax.
Consider Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy can help you calm down after a long day and get into a relaxed state, letting your mind know that it’s time for bed. Certain scents like lavender can help you manage anxiety and feel more relaxed, creating the perfect aroma for a good night’s sleep.
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