I have never been less grossed-out by another human in my life. I have changed some nasty diapers, picked out a ton of foot lint, wiped drool, had fountains of spit up on my shirt, and last but not least, picked someone else’s nose. But~ THIS little girl is SO not gross to me! It is amazing how your OWN baby can totally change your outlook on what you thought of as gross and make a lot ... Read the Post
Got Boogers? Use Boogie Wipes!
Fall Essentials for Happy Healthy Families!
Keep Your Family Healthy During the Cooler Months of Fall With the cooler weather of Fall upon us, it is important to find products that will help us take better care of our families. When you have a big family like I do, it is necessary to have a variety of useful products around your home to ensure that those you love have what they need to get through this cooler ... Read the Post