Women are known for visiting doctors more often than men. However, women are also more prone to postpone annual checkups due to too much work, housework, and other daily obligations. Due to daily stress, hormones, age, and many other factors, women should certainly go to several doctors for checkups each year. If you are a woman and would like to start taking better care of your body, here are several appointments that you need to make every year without exception.
A Well Visit
Making sure your overall health is in order is a must. You can make an appointment with your primary care physician, general practitioner, or internist annually to make sure everything is in order. Your doctor will check your weight, and blood pressure, schedule you for diabetes screening, draw your blood for general tests, and ask you about your mental health. All these tests and conversations are the first step to making sure your body is in top-notch condition. With them, you can minimize your risks of various diseases, including heart attack, diabetes, depression, anxiety, and many more. Additionally, your doctor can make some suggestions on changing your lifestyle and diet in order to achieve optimal health.
Gynecologist Appointment
The second one on the list is a visit to your gynecologist. With age, women are increasing the risk of contracting various illnesses, such as ovarian cysts, ovarian and cervical cancer, and similar. Regular checkups and visits to gynecologists can help you prevent such illnesses or catch them early on. Besides getting a pelvic exam, you should also schedule an annual Pap smear test to make sure there are no infections or risks of having cancer. Additionally, these checkups are perfect for detecting any STIs and getting advice on birth control, infertility, birth control, and menopause.
A Mammogram
Even though men can also have breast cancer, it is more common in women. Breast health should be your high priority, especially if you have breast cancer in your family’s medical history. You can talk to your doctor about your concerns and schedule annual mammograms to make sure your breasts are healthy. These tests are harmless and can spot any irregularities in breast tissue, which don’t always have to be cancer. Monthly self-checkups are also welcome and you can talk to your doctor about how to properly perform them.
Eye Exam Appointment
If you spend a lot of hours in front of a computer, or you know that bad eyesight runs in your family, you should go to the eye doctor once a year. If you visit your ophthalmologist every year, you can get a comprehensive exam to make sure your eyes are healthy. These exams are highly recommended for women over the age of 40 even if you don’t have to wear glasses. With each visit, your doctor can keep an eye on your eye health and screen you for any age-related conditions such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. Additionally, they can make sure you don’t have any eye infections, bad eyesight, or any other irregularity.
Skin Checkups
Going to your dermatologist is always welcome. Besides getting valuable skincare tips, your doctor can make sure your skin is healthy. You should go for annual full-body skin cancer screening, especially if you have a lot of moles, freckles, and a family history that includes melanoma. Your doctor can also physically examine each and every mole, take samples for biopsy if needed, and overall make sure your skin is in great condition. They can also advise you on moisturizers, sunscreen protection, and how to take good care of your skin no matter what.
Dentist’s Appointments
Last but not least, you should go to your dentist at least once a year. These exams can make sure you don’t have any cavities, gum inflammation, or any other issues with your teeth. Your dentist can also fix if anything needs fixing and provide valuable advice on how to keep your teeth healthy and smile shiny. Also, you can ask them about paradentosis, and how to prevent it, especially if you have someone in your family who’s got it. Additionally, they can check for oral cancer and any other symptoms of any diseases. Some diseases can show symptoms in your mouth, like diabetes, and your dentist can help you spot them.
With busy lifestyles and many obligations, women often postpone their annual checkups. However, they are of utmost importance because they can prevent many illnesses and catch them early if there are any.
Eve Anderson is a marketing specialist turned blogger. Interested in sports and exciting travel destinations. Love to share content that can inform people.
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