When you are traveling, you do not want to be bothered by any unwanted situations, especially during your period. Stomach cramps and back pain are going to be a major inconvenience when traveling long distance. That’s why you need to have a few things readily available in your bag, such as pads, tampons, and so on.
To put it simply, your traveling shouldn’t come to a halt due to your period, so you should have certain things in your bag to feel confident that you have packed everything that is needed.
What should you carry when you are traveling while on your period?
Getting your period is not something that can stop you from having fun, but it can surely give you some problems that will ruin your mood. So here are some tips that you should keep in mind while traveling during your period.
Sanitary Napkins, Tampons, and Menstrual cup
Being prepared for your period is the best way to ensure that you don’t have to go through a nightmare when you are traveling. So, carry enough sanitary napkins and tampons according to your flow. Always carry more than you need because you never know if it will be available everywhere or not.
In fact, the best part about tampons is that they are very easy to carry. Whether you are going for a swim, a road trip, or an event, you can just slip a tampon into your bag. Additionally, you should invest in a good menstrual cup. A menstrual cup is a great alternative to tampons or pads while traveling. It’s reusable, which means you don’t have to worry about running out or finding a store that sells tampons or pads in every country you visit.
A menstrual cup also means fewer items to pack, which saves space and makes your luggage lighter. Plus, you can leave it in for up to 12 hours at a time.
Carrying supplements is a must when you travel during periods. If your menstrual health is irregular, or if it has started to cause any pain, keep supplements like sachets or tablets handy. This can help in not only reducing symptoms of period pain but also regularizing the cycle!
These come in handy all the time and ensure that you don’t stain your underwear. So don’t forget to pack them, even if your period is not due for another two weeks. They are extremely thin and do not cause any kind of irritation.
Wet wipes
Wet wipes are hygienic. If you want to freshen up and change your pad, but there is no intimate wash or water available nearby, then wet wipes can help. They are easy to carry and make sure that you feel fresh even when there isn’t water around.
Final Words
We hope that this has helped you find a few travel essentials to make life easier. Remember, it’s also important to talk to your doctor about your period and health, especially if you are traveling to another country where you might need special medication or have diet restrictions. If you carry all the things mentioned above and talk to your doctor before traveling, you are all set to hit the road and enjoy!
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