If you are about to embark on your fitness journey to achieve your dream body, then building lean muscle mass is something you should familiarize yourself with. When you focus on building lean muscle mass, not only will you reach your fitness goal, but you will also be able to maintain it in the long term.
Lean muscles have less fat around and within them and are densely packed with contractile tissue. Thus, when you focus on building lean muscle mass, your body not only becomes stronger, but it also becomes more toned as increased lean muscle mass means more fat in your body gets burned to use for energy. But when it comes to building lean muscles, most people think it is only limited to lifting weights, but other things like diet and nutrition also play a huge role in building lean muscle.
Here are five ways you can build lean muscle mass.
1. Use GHRP:
Anyone will tell you that you need to hit the gym and lift weights to build lean muscle, but what is mostly not mentioned is that you might gain fat in the initial stages. Also, you haven’t built much endurance in the initial stage and feel lethargic easily. That’s why you need to focus on something that will help you grow muscle but also help with weight loss and lack of energy in the initial stage.
One such option is using growth hormone-releasing peptides. For example, Ipamorelin is a very good GHRP, which combines four amino acids that help in weight loss and building lean muscle mass. Although, keep in mind to get your Ipamorelin from a trusted company. Sports Technology Labs, for example, is a reliable provider that offers Ipamorelin 5mg for sale online, so you can order it from the comfort of your home.
2. Do Strength Training Exercises:
You can build lean muscle mass by adding strength training exercises to your workout regime. The best option is to perform a combination of different strength training exercises. This means you should integrate aerobics, yoga, and HIIT in a 30-minute workout session daily. Such strength training activities will redistribute fat uniformly among your bodily tissues, resulting in a toned body that is strong and aesthetically pleasing.
However, it’s often wrongly assumed that strength training helps lose weight. Weight loss is an indirect result of strength training. What it does is that it regulates your appetite by fat redistribution, which ultimately makes you a fitter person. Moreover, strength training exercises enhance your core muscles’ potency, improving your posture.
3. Increase Protein Intake:
To gain lean muscle mass, you need to consume more protein. Proteins are high in amino acids and are the body’s building blocks. Not only will increasing your protein intake build muscle mass, but protein also increases your endurance. This means you will perform better in your exercises when you consume more protein. This will also help you in managing your catabolic muscle stress.
You should consume more lean meats like beef and lamb, poultry food like chicken and ducks, fish and seafood, and dairy products like Greek yogurt and eggs to increase your protein intake. It’s also suggested to take protein before and after your workouts. Since you can’t have a steak before you start exercising in the gym, using a protein supplement is suitable.
4. Eat Slightly More Calories Than Usual:
You will need to increase your calorie intake to increase your lean muscle mass because you need more calories to increase muscle mass. But how many extra calories you must consume is a very critical question. Extra calories will also lead to increased weight along with building muscle mass. So you need to find the number of calories that will not make you gain too much weight and only increase the muscle mass in your body. Since every person’s body is different from the other, the range of extra calories to consume varies from person to person.
If you are already skinny and trying to build muscle mass, then you must eat 300 to 500 more calories than your maintenance calories each day for a week or two. Focus on gaining 0.5 to 1 pound per week. But if you are not gaining weight at this rate, increase your calories by 300 to 500 calories for one or two weeks. But if you are gaining weight rapidly, you should reduce your calorie intake. Keep track of your calorie intake and weight gain or loss throughout the week, then adjust accordingly. Keep in mind that there will be some trial and error that you need to go through before finding the right amount of extra calories for you.
5. Do More Compound Exercises:
Whether you like it or not, doing countless reps of the same exercise or holding static positions for too long are ineffective ways of building muscle mass. The best exercises are those that simultaneously target as many muscles as possible. That’s why compound exercises are the best option, as they make you work out multiple muscles or muscle groups simultaneously, making them strong and toned.
Some common compound exercises are side plank rotations, mountain climbers, and burpees. Take burpees, for example; when you are doing burpees, you are doing push-ups, jumping, squatting, and core walking. Compound exercises get your heart rate going while giving you a dose of cardio too. When you work different muscles more, it promotes their strength and growth.
If you are working toward a fitness goal, then you should focus on building lean muscle mass. Building lean muscle mass will help you lose body fat and make you stronger. In this article, we go through five ways you can build lean muscle mass that will help you reach your fitness goals quicker and more sustainably.
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