There are many dogs who were never trained to potty outside. And having a dog like this can become a real headache if you aren’t sure how to train it during its adult life.Luckily you can still train a dog to potty outside even if it’s past that puppy learning phase. It will take some time and patience on your part, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. The 20 Minute RuleIf you are training ... Read the Post
Potty Training Your Dog is Easier than You Think
Tricks for Grooming a Dog Who Hates to Be Groomed
Tricks for Grooming a Dog Who Hates to Be GroomedPet bathing and grooming is just part of any pet owner's life. That doesn't mean your dog will like it, though. Many dogs couldn't care less about being clean and pretty; they'd rather be muddy and dirty than sit through another bath. Thankfully, there are some ways to make bath time and grooming easier for you and your pup. 1. Bathe Less ... Read the Post
How to Make your Dog Smell Good
How to Make your Dog Smell GoodA new puppy in the house can be an exhilarating and immensely enjoyable experience. But the thought of dog odour and messy clean-ups can put off the most ardent dog lover. If you are looking for tips to make your dog smell nice again, read on. Potty trainPotty training is the first step to eliminating foul odour. Believe me, the cuteness and friendliness of a ... Read the Post
BioBag Review and Giveaway
BioBag is a world leader in providing bags and films for the collection of organic waste for the purpose of composting. Unlike regular plastic, BioBags are made from plants, vegetable oils & Mater-Bi and can be consumed by micro-organisms that live in our soils. Because of this, our bags can also be readily composted along with organic waste in municipal composting facilities. ... Read the Post