Plenty of older Americans hold fond childhood memories of climbing trees, catching frogs, and engaging in endless hours of tag or hide-and-seek with friends.Most children today, though, spend much less time outdoors, with their recreational hours instead devoted to TV, video games and computers, a trend that has nature advocates concerned.“If they don’t feel a connection to nature, they aren’t ... Read the Post
How Connecting Children To Nature Is Good For Both
Perfect Gift Ideas from ZeroWater!
Here are the newest products offered by ZeroWater; ZeroWater Mini and ZeroWater ReadyPour. The Mini allows Brita users to test the advanced technology of ZeroWater's filters without having to buy a brand new filtration system immediately. And ReadyPour is the first to market pitcher that allows you to keep filling your glass while the water is still filtering!Ready-Pour’s innovative sealed ... Read the Post
BioBag Review and Giveaway
BioBag is a world leader in providing bags and films for the collection of organic waste for the purpose of composting. Unlike regular plastic, BioBags are made from plants, vegetable oils & Mater-Bi and can be consumed by micro-organisms that live in our soils. Because of this, our bags can also be readily composted along with organic waste in municipal composting facilities. ... Read the Post