Usually when you take a shower, you are assuming that you are getting clean, right? Most people do not realize that the water in their house contains harmful chemicals that are damaging their skin and hair while they are showering. It can be hard to know if the water that comes through your tap has been sufficiently treated for contaminants. Even with municipal water treatment plants, there are ... Read the Post
Are you showering with chemicals? Get the Ick out of your Shower
Relieve your Child’s Summer Colds & Flu Symptoms ASAP with FiltersFast Cool Mist Humidifiers
Summer is here! As much as we enjoy the warmer weather and longer days, we can't always escape those dreaded summertime colds & Flu. There's nothing worse than seeing your child suffer from stuffy noses and congestion. Thankfully, your little ones can experience soothing relief from those pesky illnesses with these adorable Cool Mist Humidifier creatures exclusively from ... Read the Post
Perfect Gift Ideas from ZeroWater!
Here are the newest products offered by ZeroWater; ZeroWater Mini and ZeroWater ReadyPour. The Mini allows Brita users to test the advanced technology of ZeroWater's filters without having to buy a brand new filtration system immediately. And ReadyPour is the first to market pitcher that allows you to keep filling your glass while the water is still filtering!Ready-Pour’s innovative sealed ... Read the Post
Zuvo Water Filtration System Review
The Zuvo® Water Filtration System replicates nature’s water-cleansing process, reducing contaminants while preserving your water's natural and healthy mineral content. You'll get healthy pure and clean water straight from your tap! Over time, Zuvo Water costs a fraction of what you’ll spend on bottled water or pitcher filters. With the ... Read the Post