When it comes to getting fit, people differ substantially. Some individuals are “super responders” meaning that their bodies quickly adapt to their training routines, letting them progress quickly. However, others take longer. Where you fall on this spectrum depends on your biology. And the only way to find out how fast you respond is to test it by training. However, some factors will ... Read the Post
How Much Do You Need To Train To Get Fit?
Losing Fat Without Losing Muscle: How to Achieve it?
With the technology evolving and social media expanding even more comes distorted beauty standards and fake body expectations. The level of anxiety is highly increased by it. Every time you pass next to the mirror and think to yourself, "Oh, I don't like this or that, I could be thinner, they look nicer than me..." it's a problem. So instead of judging others and being hard on ... Read the Post
Best Exercises for a Strong Core and Toned Abs
A strong core improves your balance, facilitates stronger functional movement when exercising or engaging in everyday activities, and promotes good circulation. Along with consuming a balanced diet, incorporating workouts in your daily routine helps develop a strong core and toned abs, not to mention keeping fit and getting the right shape. Here are three incredible workouts for a strong core and ... Read the Post
More Time at the Gym in 2020 = You Need These Products NOW
If you have not made your New Year's resolutions for 2020 yet, it is not too late to start! One popular resolution is to hit the gym! The thing about working out, however, is the inevitable soreness and a slew of other pre- and post-exercise issues. So, before you head to the gym, pack these Pure Synergy products in your workout bag: SuperPure Astaxanthin supports optimal athletic ... Read the Post
Workouts for Busy Women without Access to the Gym
When you’re a busy woman, it can seem as if you never have a moment to yourself. Unfortunately, it’s easy to allow a constant state of “busy” to take over your life and eventually affect your health. Busy women may not be able to get to the gym, but they can still fit in a bit of exercise throughout the day. Staying healthy will help you manage your stress levels, reduce the fatigue that you ... Read the Post