Let’s face it, a lot of mommies today have been feeling anxious nowadays. Irrespective of how you vote, the country is witnessing an anxiety-producing political moment with ever-increasing Facebook arguments. And the demonstrations, family divisions, national political unease, and others. Studies show that post-election anxiety seems to swell the numbers of sleepless, self-medicating, ... Read the Post
Mommy Stress Taking a Toll- Use Effective Ways to Flush Tensions
Moms! Here How you can Slow Down your Crazy Busy Life
When you become a mom, you always feel like everyone is pulling you in different directions. It always feels like your to-do list is endless. In fact, you constantly find yourself sneaking some time for yourself. Well! That’s not new. Almost every mother goes through this phase once in her lifetime. But that does not mean you can’t slow down your busy life at all. In this article, you will find ... Read the Post
4 Simple & Effective Stress Reduction Techniques for Adults
Nature has equipped humans to deal with threatening life-and-death situations with stress hormones. These chemicals evolved to heighten the senses and provide the flight-or-fight response to an animal attack or natural disaster. In modern-day civilized societies, these stress hormones help deal with emergencies like a loved one’s illness, work pressure, or even simple things like a traffic ... Read the Post
How To Live A Healthier Life As A Busy Mom
When you have a busy family to look after, it can be hard to juggle everything and find time for yourself as well. Looking after yourself needs to be a top priority. If you get sick, who will take care of everything that you do on a daily basis? Preventing illnesses and sickness is often achievable and more preferable than curing anything you may get. So, just how can you live a healthier ... Read the Post
Relaxing Ideas for Mom’s Much-Needed Break
Everybody needs a break sometimes, and many busy moms are long overdue. If your days look like a clash of working, cleaning, and parenting, then it’s time to take a step back and focus on yourself, if only for an hour or two. Here are some relaxing ideas for a much-needed break.Meditation While most know the benefits of meditation, including focus, a fresh perspective, and relaxation, many forget ... Read the Post
3 Ways to Spoil Yourself When You Need a Pick-Me-Up
The time between the close of winter and the beginning of spring can be a taxing time of the year. The excitement of Christmas has all faded away, and you might have only just finished getting all of those decorations taken down and boxed up for next year. The days are still rather short, and the weather certainly hasn’t turned into bright, sunny spring just yet. This can make for some long days ... Read the Post